Your vote is your voice. Endorsing candidates who reflect our values ensures that our community's voice is heard loud and clear. Let's make a difference together.

General Election Endorsement

The Wisconsin Muslim Civic Alliance (WMCA) is proud to announce its first round of endorsements for the upcoming 2024 fall elections. We have carefully evaluated candidates for State Assembly, State Senate, and United States Congress. Our endorsements are based on thorough assessments of the candidates' policy positions, effectiveness, and alignment with the needs and values of Wisconsin's diverse communities, including their Muslim constituents.
WMCA encourages all community members to engage in the electoral process, support these endorsed candidates, and help ensure our voices are heard and represented in government. If the candidate's name is underlined, please click to visit their website, learn more, and donate.

United States Congress

District 5:
Ben Steinhoff
District 7:
Kyle Kilbourn

Wisconsin State Senate

District 12:
Andi Rich
District 18:
Kristin Alfheim

Wisconsin State Assembly

District 10: Darrin Madison
District 11:
Sequanna Taylor
District 15:
Sarah Harrison
District 19:
Ryan Clancy
District 21:
David Marstellar Jr
District 24:
William Walter
District 26:
Joe Sheehan
District 30:
Alison Page
District 39:
Christine Gordon
District 43:
Brienne Brown

District 44: Ann Roe
District 50: Jenna Jacobson
District 61:
LuAnn Bird
District 62:
Angelina Cruz
District 71:
Vincent Miresse
District 72:
Suzanne Campbell
District 73:
Angela Stroud
District 76:
Francesca Hong
District 77:
Renuka Mayadev
District 93:
Christian Phelps

A Note about Rescinding Endorsements

If, upon further review or actions by a candidate that WMCA deems against our mission and values, the board may rescind the Endorsement or Recommendation of a candidate/official. WMCA staff will take appropriate action to communicate the rescinding of the endorsement.